Saturday, May 3, 2014

ACT-SO Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics held in Duarte, California. PhotoJournal Review by Ginger Van Hook

Tonette Morehead celebrates the theme of DANCE in her Photographic piece titled "Essence"
Tonette Morehead earned the highest points in the photographic competition sponsored by
 the Pasadena Chapter of the NAACP and Duarte High School for the event ACT-SO.
Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological, and Scientific Olympics. Photo by Ginger Van Hook©2014

participants in the Photographic Olympics portion of the competition held in Duarte, California
Tyree McLemore, Tonette Morehead, Tyler Woolridge and Faith Earley.
All contestants earned high points very closely tied to each other due to the excellent quality of photographic work that was presented. Photo by Ginger Van Hook©2014

Tonette Morehead's exhibition presentation for the ACT-SO Event sponsored by the Pasadena Chapter of the NAACP displayed her photographic work as created on traditional film as well as digital printing and night photography. Ms. Morehead explained that the major themes in her work revolved around the culture of dance, especially celebrating her Afro-American Cultural expressions of Hip-Hop, jazz, and movements with water by the sea. In her interview, Ms. Morehead was poised and discussed her photographic technique in particular detail as it related to capturing the image she obtained in "HIP HOP" and to the extent that she also used a live model in the image "Essence".

 Tonette Morehead. Photography "Dancing with the Sea"

Tonette Morehead


  Faith Earley

 In an interview with Faith Earley, she discussed her black and white photography in terms of the themes of race, perception and cultural stereotyping that often occurs in society.

Tyree McLemore

Tyree McLemore discussed his photographic efforts to capture musicians, travel related photography and documentary landscapes.

Tyler Woolridge
Tyler Woolridge discussed his photographic process of this image as he was capturing a moment in the "Barber Shop" culture. This image was one of three of his digital images Tyler Woolridge presented in the ACT-SO Photographic Competition Event held in Duarte, California. Photos by Ginger Van Hook©2014


A delightful buffet of breakfast and lunch goodies were served to the guests, judges and contestants and the competition held a wide array of the arts to judge and admire. 

There were categories of sculpture, painting, entrepreneurship, writing, poetry and humanities that engage the student artists in lively activities relating to creating 
new artwork with their skills in each field.
 The Pasadena Chapter of the 
National Association for The Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)   
ACT-SO Afro-Academic, Cultural,Technological and Scientific Olympics presented the awards for excellence and participation on Saturday April 26, 2014.

Photographer Frank Zgnoc and Photographer Joseph R. Davis together with Photographer Ginger Van Hook participated as judges in the photographic portion of the ACT-SO competition.

The judges participating in the Photographic Olympic Competition sponsored by the Pasadena Chapter of the NAACP and Duarte High School held at the Duarte Senior Center on April 26,2014.
Reading From left to right, Photographer Joseph R. Davis, 
Photographer Frank Zgnoc, and  Photographer Ginger Van Hook. All three photographers are local representatives from a number of art and photographic groups in Los Angeles; the one shared in common by all three is the Monrovia Association of Fine Arts in Monrovia, California.

In a followup email, Lois Gaston thanked the judges for participating in this event. She stated:
Thank you  for taking time to be an ACT-SO  judge. On behalf of Marilyn, Aida, Karen, me and the rest of the ACT-SO team we are grateful. ~Lois Gaston